Wednesday, February 27, 2008

look what i can do now!

yesterday was a big day.

i pushed a chair across the kitchen at lunchtime and by dinnertime, i was doing this...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 18, 2008

my durham pics

of course, i know you read dean's blog first. he is the first-born and all. that's okay with me, actually. it saves me from having to give a lot of background information; i can go right to the meat of the story.

i had a great time at ty ty and dave's, too. their house was really fun to explore, and the most interesting thing there was, of course, cousin theo. i followed her everywhere that i could (she can slip into some places my little 22 pound self won't quite fit). there was lots of stuff to do, and i had a wonderful weekend!

ty ty and dave's really cool old front door.
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name that baby

crazy, huh? we're looking a lot alike.

at any rate, i am now standing up in the tub! things are so much more interesting from about 2 feet up, i think. it's still kind of a precarious thing, so you can see mommy's hands are not far off me (oops.... that gave it away, didn't it? i'm the guy on the right.)
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

where are you, da?

oh, there you are! i found you. outside trimming up the trees!

if you haven't seen my eyelashes lately, they're growing right along with the rest of me.

come back, da!

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

and mommy said, 'the light is so nice...

.... let's take some pictures!'

i tried to oblige her as well as i could, but i was very busy checking out the wagon and eating grass.

do you think my eyes will stay this blue?
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Saturday, February 2, 2008


there was nothing going on this afternoon while dean was napping, so i decided to crawl into my exersaucer.

there's the perfect spot for my head to stick up right here in the middle...

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peek a boo. i see you down there, mommy!

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