Saturday, October 25, 2008

fall festival

this morning we went to the fall festival at the bamboo farm nearby. there were a lot of cool things to see. dean and i posed for pictures on this big pile of pumpkins and hay.

and then we went on a pony ride!!

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2 in the dryer

i was hanging out in the dryer this morning minding my own business, and dean decided he wanted to get in, too. i wasn't sure he fit, but he does. it's a little tight with both of us in there, but it's better than worrying about him coming along and shutting the door on me.
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18 month me!

we went to doc stone's for my 18 month check-up the other day. here's the news:

weight: 26 lb 6 oz (55%)
height: 32 1/4 inches (55%)
head: 48.5 cm (75%)

all is well. i got my flu shot, and dean got his in his nose! it was crazy.
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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

the tale of the disappearing socks

mommy was a little perplexed the other day about where my socks disappeared to every night. (i like to take them off as quickly as possible in my crib.) well, she pulled the crib away from the wall and look at what she found:

while she had the camera out snapping the picture above, i wanted to have my picture made, too. real close. like this:

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book worm

i'm finally getting into books. i really like to be read to pretty much anytime anyone will sit down and do it. i have a few favorites like 'a tale of tails', 'goodnight moon', 'the big red barn' and 'i love you all the time'. dean will even 'read' to me sometimes from my simpler books that he has memorized.

this page has a sticky thing on it that i like to touch.

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spoon progression

at my 15 month appointment, doc stone asked mommy how i was progressing with the task of eating with utensils. mommy looked kind of stunned and replied that she never gave them to me. well, after that day, spoons and forks started showing up on my tray along with my food. now, i love using them!

yogurt. yummy. even better when i feed it to myself.

sometimes she even lets go of the container for a minute, and then things really get crazy!

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